Friday, February 17, 2012

Express Yourself

Every Friday, we have Compliment Circle. The class gathers in a circle and we pass compliments until everyone has given a compliment and gotten a compliment. We try to sit next to new friends each time. We try not to tell our friends what to say to us. And most important of all, we try to think of inside compliments instead of outside compliments, searching deep within our hearts to find something genuine and compliment-worthy in our neighbor. We learn the difference by sorting example compliments in the beginning of the year.

I like your LEGO Star Wars t-shirt.
I like how you always play fair at recess.

There are some very thoughtful compliments. Others are seriously so damn CUTE. I need to be better about recording them. For now, this week's exchange will have to suffice.

Boy: A, I like how you're so coincidence.

Teacher: Wait... what do you mean?

B: I like how you play fair and nice.

T: Oh, you mean 'considerate'. Considerate. Try saying the compliment again.
(inner thoughts) What is wrong with you? Just let the circle go on. Geez.

B: I like how you're so corinthni... conisterin... coincidence.

T: Perfect. Next.